Çakraz Beach, Turkey

Beautiful Turkey

I’ve been neglecting my diary-keeping since Greece, although I have been blogging. I have now left the EU! Crossing into Turkey was a significant step, both in my head and …

North Coast of Turkey

Turkey Delightful

Yesterday was my first full day in Turkey, and I can confirm that things are indeed good here. After waking up with the tent-in-carpark scenario surrounded by cute rabbits, I …

A Cute Wild Rabbit

Survived Istanbul

It’s been a little while since my last blog because all the WiFi signals I got in Greece were unencrypted. I’m back online again now though! Bulgaria had a similar …

Whisky in Greece

Whizzed Through Bulgaria

Bulgaria – that was quick. I didn’t really give Bulgaria much of a chance, and the campsite that I stayed at (4 Euro for the night) was straight from communist …

Camping in Romania

More New Friends

I’ve been hanging out for a few days at a lovely little family-run campsite near Paulis, called “Camping Route Roemenie”. Mihai came through with the tyres and air filter yesterday …

Camping Near Miniș, Romania

Camping in Romania

Hot. It’s hot. Yup, that cyclonic storm has well and truly passed and it’s sunny again here. I’ve been at a little family run campsite for a couple of days …

Supermoto Grand Prix, Arad 2014

Supermoto Grand Prix

Today was one of high-octane supermoto racing in Arad. The world championship (Romania stage, obviously), no less. It was funny watching lots of bikes that look an awful lot like …

Hanging out with new friends in Timișoara

Timișoara, Romania

It’s been a few days since I’ve had a chance to write. It’s been a fun few days though. In Stanciova, someone put me in contact with a chap called …