Timișoara, Romania

Hanging out with new friends in Timișoara

It’s been a few days since I’ve had a chance to write. It’s been a fun few days though.

In Stanciova, someone put me in contact with a chap called Mihai in Timisoara – part of the tyre-pursuit. Mihai owns and runs a small bike workshop (Thunder Bikes) so I gave him a call and arranged to meet.

After confirming the tyres and the price, he said “sit down, would you like a coffee?”. This progressed to him arranging a bed for me at his folks’ place (next door to the workshop), beers and being introduced to a slew of his mates. At times I felt like I was cramping their style somewhat (he lives with Alyana, his girlfriend) but it was fun to just hang out, drink beers and see a bit of Timisoara.

Timisoara has a brewery that makes a good beer.

Amongst other things, we chatted about the state of Romania’s politics and its politicians. This was a group of fun, educated people in their 20s but there was a strong sense of resignation about the poor state of affairs.

I hope their future is brighter than they assume it to be.

Anyway, three days later, and with a shiny clean/tweaked carburettor (thanks Mihai!) I’ve gone for a jolly to break this wild camping thing that I’ve been successfully avoiding… and I’ve done it!

The main road from Deva to Arad has all sorts of interesting little roads coming off it. After picking a fun, but muddy, dead end I found another one. Several little villages later (and lots of waves and smiles from locals) I spotted a seemingly rarely used track.

The Yamaha came into its own as I forded a (not insignificant) river and pulled up into clearing. Someone definitely lives nearby, as there is a WiFi signal, but it will do for my first wild camp. I’m a little paranoid that a Romanian farmer is going to march on my encampment and threaten me in a language that I don’t understand, but if my current experience of Romanian people carries forward then anyone who discovers me here is more likely to invite me back to their place for a drink.

Tomorrow I’m going to Arad to meet up with Mihai and friends to watch the world championship Supermoto. We’re told that the weather should pick up (it’s rained for a few days and is raining now too) so I think the camera is going to have a grand day out.

I’ve just flicked through my photos of the trip to-date. Blimey, Italy and Croatia feel like a lifetime ago.

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