It really is beautiful here, so I’ve stayed a little longer than I planned to. Not that this trip has really involved much time-planning or route-planning in first place.
Let’s Off Road!
Woohoo! Trail riding is a real hoot. I love it. I’m amazed I’ve not managed to land myself and/or the bike over the edge of a cliff or into a hedge already, but the bike is taking care of me with style. It seems like I can point it in any direction and it will ‘just go’. Yesterday’s trail only ended by an indelicately placed boulder that was about the size of a transit van, in a valley that was about as wide as a transit van. Dead end, and no mistake.
I’ve met some lovely fellow travellers here amongst the more stock-variety tourists. Rather usefully, I hope, two are from southern California. Hopefully this might lead to me seeing a side of California that I might not have otherwise seen. We’ll see. It’s also been fun swapping travel stories too, along with advice on future destinations and little do’s and don’ts. Travellers seem to be very happy people 🙂
Oh, and Paul (from San Diego) has been to Leamington Spa! How cool 🙂
I think I’m approaching the stage in my trip where my perceptions start to switch from novelty to philosophy. This mode of mooching about the planet on a motorbike with nothing more than a vague plan seems to really agree with me, and the world of work, troubling news headlines and utility bills is remembered like a half-recalled dream. If only money was not my constraint… I’ve also been over budget in Göreme – damn you, beer! Hey ho.
Right. I’m definitely leaving Göreme tomorrow and heading east towards the border with Syria and the world of Mesopotamia. I shall miss this place, and the widely spoken English language, but the resumption of wild camping and communicating with hand gestures beckons. Tally ho the East!