Croatia to Bosnia

Morning coffee outside a hotel in Sarajevo

Yesterday (Friday) was interesting.

Starting off in Croatia, everything was again beautiful. More coast roads, blue skies and wild jasmine in the air. Lovely.

Just south of Split I turned up into the mountains heading for Mostar. The mountains were fun but I was curious to see if swapping Croatia for Bosnia would end up being a mistake.

Mostar was depressing. Aggressive/selfish/dangerous driving and buildings still riddled with bullet holes. I thought seeing the bullet holes would be interesting, but the gloom overrode any lure of the unseen-before.

Bosnia seems to be a land of contrasts. Good roads and awful roads. Good drivers and awful drivers. Very rich folk and very poor. There is a lot of subsistence farming here.

I pushed on through Sarajevo and found a nice little family-run motel on the road towards Tuzla.

The bike could do with a little TLC and the family are going to help me source a new rear tyre. They also need a laptop fixing, so we have a nice trade lined up.

Dad Skyped this morning (is “To Skype” a verb? I hope not). That was cool. He’s going to try and arrange some holiday time in Vancouver for August. Sorted.

Right. Time for coffee and tyre-hunting. I like my morning coffee these days :).


The family have been really nice and their motel is in a lovely location.

I have my first sunburn (from riding without gloves yesterday) and the motel owner has just doused me with rather good aftersun cream.

I’m going to check the bike over in a moment to see how the over-the-exhaust pannier-fix is working out. I really need a long-term fix for the melted bike plastics there. The stone/plastic/bottle bodge is good for a day, but no more than that.

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