The Russian Steppes

Big Mutha Russia

It’s been a week of crazy long riding days and I’ve made it as far as Omsk – a good chunk of the way through Russia. It’s time to take …

The Black Sea, Samsun, Turkey

City of Samsun

I’ve been a bit quiet the past few days because I haven’t really done very much. The intent was to get to Samsun and then stop for about a week, …

Writing my journal in a bar in Samsun, Turkey

North Coast of Turkey

I found a place that serves beer in this predominantly Muslim area, Yay! It’s been an interesting couple of days, even though I’ve done comparatively few miles. Cakraz was nice …

Oops On Parade

Oh dear. Yesterday I did something that I hope I won’t regret at a future border crossing. Whilst travelling the north coast road from Cakraz to Sinop, I approached a …